Sl. No | Course | Level | Sanctioned Intake |
1 | Electronics & Communication Engineering CET CODE: E196EC | Under Graduate | 180 |
2 | Recognized as Research Center under VTU | Ph.D | NA |
“To achieve excellence in education and research for developing globally competent, ethically sound Electronics & Communication Engineers”.
Graduates will be able to:
PEO1 : Contemplate real-time social problems and deliver efficient solutions.
PEO2 : Lead and succeed in professional careers.
PEO3 : Contribute through research and entrepreneurship.
Graduates in the UG program in Electronics and communication engineering will be able to:
Department of Eletronics & Communication
Assistant Professor & HOD
Professor, Dean Examination & VTU Affairs
Professor & Dean Academics
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
SL. No | Name of the Research Supervisor | Department / Research Centre | No. of Candidates Registered for Ph.D |
1 | Dr. Krupa Rasane | ECE | 4 |
2 | Dr. Rajani H.P. | ECE | 4 |
3 | Dr. Rajashekhargouda C. Patil | ECE | 1 |
4 | Dr. Praveen Y. Chitti | ECE | 1 |
Sl. No. | Title | Author/s | Year of Publication | Name of the Publisher/s |
1 | Simulation of OFDM MIMO with IDMA for Underwater Acoustic Communication | Shahapur, Salma S., Rajashri Khanai, and D. A. Torse | 2022 | ICCCE 2021 |
SL. No. | Title of article | Authors | Journal &Publisher | Conference | Year of publication | SCI / SCOPUS / WoS / UGC Care | Link to paper/DOI |
1 | FSRCLP: Fuzzy Based Secure Reliable Cross Layer Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Communication | Salma Shahahpur et al. | Wireless personal communication, Springer Nature | 2023 | Scopus | | |
2 | Optimal feature selection for COVID-19 detection with CT images enabled by metaheuristic optimization and artificial intelligence | Salma Shahahpur et al. | Multimedia Tools and Applications | 2023 | Scopus | | |
3 | IoT based Real Time Patient Surveillance | Salma Shahahpur et al. | 14th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), Delhi, India | 2023 | Scopus | doi: 10.1109/ICCCNT56998.2023.10306558. | |
4 | A Novel Intelligence System for Accident Prevention, Detection, and Reporting System for Smart City | Salma Shahahpur et al. | Techno Societal Springer Book Chapter | 2023 | Scopus | | |
5 | Electronic Shoe to Assist Visually Challenged People | Salma Shahahpur et al. | Techno Societal Springer Book Chapter | 2023 | Scopus | | |
6 | Coding Techniques using IDMA OFDM MIMO for Underwater Wireless Acoustic Communication | Salma Shahahpur et al. | International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) | 2023 | DOI:10.35940/ijrte.E7011.018520 | ||
7 | Secure Fuzzy Simple Shortest Path Routing Protocol (SF_SSP) for Underwater Communication | Salma Shahahpur et al. | Indian journal of science and technology | 2023 | WOS | 10.17485/IJST/v16i44.2009 | |
8 | Non -Destructive Methods for Characterizing the Physiochemical Values in Agriculture and Food Products | Krupa Rasane et al. | International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews(IJRAR) | 2022 | UGC | DOI: | |
9 | Performance Analysis of Underwater Acoustic Communication Using IDMA-OFDM-MIMO with Reed Solomon and Turbo Code | Salma Shahahpur et al. | International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security | 2022 | Scopus | | |
10 | Circuit Level Leakage Minimization Techniques in CMOS VLSI Circuits:Literature Review | Rajani H.P. et al. | International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology | 2022 | UGC DOI:10.22214 | ||
11 | A Review on Radio Frequency [RF] Energy Harvesting Systems | Rajani H.P. et al. | Journal of Applied Science and Computations (JASC) | 2022 | DOI:16.10089.JASC.2018.V5I8.453459.14510 | ||
12 | An Experimental Framework for Automated Bed Localization and Drug Identification Using ZigBee Signal Strength and Mobile Robot | Basavaraj Chougula et al. | 2019 IEEE DISCOVER | 2022 | SCOPUS | | |
13 | “Secured CBIR with Anonymity Preserving for Images and Users in Cloud Environment” | Praveen Chitti et al. | Conference IEEE | Conference | 2022 | scopus | |
14 | Analysis of Various CNN Models for Locating Keratin Pearls in Photomicrographs | Rajashekhargouda C. Patil et al. | Emerging Research in Electronics, Computer Science and Technology. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering | 2022 | Scopus | | |
15 | Automatic Smart Parking and Reservation System Using IOT” | Basavaraj Chougula et al. | BBRC journal 2020 | 2022 | Web of Science | | |
16 | Road segmentation for autonomous vehicle: A review | Basavaraj Chougula et al. | 3rd IEEE ICISS | 2022 | SCOPUS | | |
17 | Gesture Controlled Wheel Chair and Convertible Wheel Chair into Stretcher | Basavaraj Chougula et al. | IEEE INCET 2020 | 2022 | SCOPUS | | |
18 | Development of an Efficient Non-Destructive Grading Method for Pomegranate using Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Neural Network | Krupa Rasane et al. | Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems , ICICCT 2019 | Springer International Conference | 2022 | Scopus | DOI: |
19 | Image Enhancement in Underwater Communication using Fusion and Color Balance Technique | Salma Shahahpur et al. | International Journal of Scientific and Technical Research in Engineering | 2021 | |||
20 | Designing a novel architecture to reduce stand by and dynamic power dissipation for sleepy keeper CMOS logic circuits | Rajani H.P. et al. | Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications Journal | 2021 | WoS | DOI:10.21786/BBRC/13.13/19 | |
21 | Efficient Design Techniques of Flash ADC for High Speed and Ultra Low Power Applications | Rajani H.P. et al. | Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications Journal | 2021 | WoS | DOI:10.21786/BBRC/13.13/20 | |
22 | Design and Implementation of 3-bit Flash Analog to Digital Converter for Low Power and High Speed Applications with New Ex- OR Based ROM Encoder | Rajani H.P. et al. | Advances in Electrical and Computer Technologies: Select Proceedings of ICAECT 2020 | 2021 | Scopus | ||
23 | Bandwidth Enhancement of Microstrip Antenna Using Fractal Geometry for S‑Band Applications | Bharamappa Kattimani et al. | SN Computer Science | 2021 | SCOPUS | | |
24 | Detection of Pedestrian, Lane and Traffic Signal for Vision Based Car Navigation. | Basavaraj Chougula et al. | 2nd IEEE INCET | 2021 | SCOPUS | | |
25 | Stochastic Model of a Sensor Node | Krupa Rasane et al. | Springer, Singapore | Book:Next Generation Information Processing System | 2021 | scopus | |
26 | Comparative Analysis of OFDM MIMO and IDMA OFDM MIMO using Aqua Sim Simulator for Underwater Communication | Salma Shahahpur et al. | Journal of Physics | 2021 | Scopus | ||
27 | IDMA OFDM MIMO with RS and Convolutional code for Underwater Acoustic Communication | Salma Shahahpur et al. | Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education | 2021 | Scopus | ||
28 | A tapered slot rectangular ultra-wideband microstrip patch antenna for radio frequency energy harvesting | Rajani H.P. et al. | Virtual International Conference on Futuristic Communication and Network Technologies (VICFCNT 2020). | 2020 | Springer-Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, | ||
29 | A brief survey on metamaterial antennas it’s importance and challenges | Rajani H.P. et al. | Springer Nature Singapore | Virtual International Conference on Futuristic Communication and Network Technologies (VICFCNT 2020). | 2020 | Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, | |
30 | Sentimental Analysis on Amazon Reviews Using Machine Learning. | Rajashekhargouda C. Patil et al. | Ubiquitous Intelligent Systems. ICUIS 2021. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies | 2020 | Scopus | | |
31 | A miniaturized design of Vicsek snowflake-box fractal microstrip patch antenna using defective ground structure for wireless applications | Bharamappa Kattimani et al. | International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies & Cambridge University Press | 2020 | SCOPUS | | |
32 | CANoe Tool usage for Communication Between Automotive Grade Processors | Basavaraj Chougula et al. | 3rd INCET | 2020 | SCOPUS | | |
33 | GoogLeNet Application towards Gesture Recognition for ASL Character Identification | Basavaraj Chougula et al. | 2022 IEEE ICDCECE | 2020 | SCOPUS | | |
34 | Deep Learning Based Non-Destructive Evaluation of Physiochemical parameters for Post harvested Pomegranate Fruits | Krupa R Rasane et al. | Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE) | 2020 | Scopus | DOI:10.21817/ indjcse/2022/v13i6/221306133 | |
35 | Shelf Life Prediction of Post -Harvested Pomegranate using Enhanced Deep Learning | 1. Surekha V Yakatpure2.Dr. Krupa R Rasane3.Dr. K. Dinesh Babu | Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE) | 2020 | Scopus | DOI: 10.21817/indjcse/2022/v13i6/221306125 | |
36 | Performace Analysis of Error Control Codes for Underwater Wireless Acoustic Communication | Salma Shahahpur et al. | Walailak Journal of Science and Technology | 2019 | Scopus | | |
37 | Simulation of OFDM MIMO with IDMA for Underwater Acoustic Communication | Salma Shahahpur et al. | ICCCE 2021. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering | 2019 | Scopus | | |
38 | Automated Defence Surveillance Using Tranquilizer | Salma Shahahpur et al. | 2022 IEEE 4th International Conference on Cybernetics, Cognition and Machine Learning Applications (ICCCMLA) | 2019 | Scopus | | |
39 | Impact Of Global Warming On Endangered Species Using Data Science | Salma Shahahpur et al. | 2022 IEEE 2nd Mysore Sub Section International Conference (MysuruCon) | 2019 | Scopus | | |
40 | A Spurious Free Dual Band Microstrip Patch Antenna for Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting | Rajani H.P. et al. | 2019 | | |||
41 | Data Leakage Detection in Cloud Computing Environment Using Classification Based on Deep Learning Architectures | Rajashekhargouda C. Patil et al. | Int J Intell Syst Appl Eng | 2018 | Scopus | | |
42 | A survey on autonomous navigation techniques | Krupa Rasane et al. | IEEE | 2018 Second International Conference on Advances in Electronics, Computers and Communications (ICAECC) | 2018 | scopus | |
43 | Investigation of Power Consumption in Microcontroller Based Systems | Krupa Rasane et al. | Springer, Cham | Intelligent Communication Technologies and Virtual Mobile Networks | 2018 | scopus | |
44 | A Survey of Deep Learning for Sentiment Analysis | Krupa Rasane et al. | Asian Journal For Convergence In Technology (AJCT) | 2018 | | ||
47 | Underwater Sensor Network at Physical, Data Link and Network Layer- A Survey | Salma Shahahpur et al. | International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP) | 2016 | Scopus | 10.1109/ICCSP.2015.7322753 | |
48 | Survey on Secured Localization and Routing in UWSN | Salma Shahahpur et al. | 2nd IEEE International Conference on Condition Assessment Techniques in electrical System | 2016 | Scopus | 10.1109/ICEEOT.2016.7754836 | |
49 | “Investigation of Image Forensic Techniques to Determine Faked Images” | Praveen Chitti et al. | World Journal of Technology, Engineering and Research | International Journal | 2015 | ||
50 | Energy Aware Path Planning For UAV-An Analysis | Krupa Rasane et al. | International Journal of Scientific and Technical Research in Engineering (IJSTRE) | 2015 | Scopus | | |
51 | Characteristics Mode Analysis of Modified Inset-fed Microstrip Antenna for Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting | Rajani H.P. et al. | Journal Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications Journal. Biosc.Biotech.Res.Comm. | International Conference on Innovative Trends in Electronics Electrical & Computer Technologies-ICITEECT2021 | 2015 | | |
52 | Design and Optimization of Low-cost RF Energy Harvesting Circuit | Rajani H.P. et al. | Intelligent Technologies for SensorsBook Chapter AAP-CRC a Taylor and Francis Group | 2015 |
Sl No. | Conference Name | Date | Venue |
1 | 4th International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET 2023) | 26-28 May 2023 | Jain College of Engineering Belagavi |
2 | 3rd International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET 2022) | 27-29 May 2022 | Jain College of Engineering Belagavi |
3 | 2nd International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET 2021) | 21-23 May 2021 | Jain College of Engineering Belagavi |
4 | 1st International Conference for Emerging in Technology – INCET 2020 | 05-07 June 2020 | Jain College of Engineering Belagavi |
Sl No | Name of Teacher | Name of Conference | Invited/ Deputed | Number of paper presented | Remarks |
1 | Vidya M,Rajani H.P | International Conference | Invited | 1 | Scopus |
2 | Vidya M,Rajani H.P | International Conference | Invited | 1 | Scopus |
3 | P.S.Chindhi, H. P. Rajani, G.B.Kalkhambkar | International Conference | Invited | 1 | Scopus |
4 | P.S.Chindhi, H. P. Rajani, G.B.Kalkhambkar, Rajashree Khanai | International Conference | Invited | 1 | Scopus |
5 | P.S.Chindhi, H. P. Rajani, G.B.Kalkhambkar | International Conference | Invited | 1 | Scopus |
6 | Salma Shahapur | 14th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), Delhi, India | Invited | 1 | Scopus |
7 | Salma Shahapur | Techno Societal International Conference | Invited | 2 | Scopus |
8 | Salma Shahapur | ICCCE 2021 | Invited | 1 | Scopus |
9 | Salma Shahapur | 2022 IEEE 4th International Conference on Cybernetics, Cognition and Machine Learning Applications (ICCCMLA) | Invited | 1 | Scopus |
10 | Salma Shahapur | 2022 IEEE 2nd Mysore Sub Section International Conference (MysuruCon) | Invited | 1 | Scopus |
11 | Salma Shahapur | 2nd IEEE International Conference on Condition Assessment Techniques in electrical System | Invited | 1 | Scopus |
12 | Salma Shahapur | 2015 International Conference on Communications and Signal Processing (ICCSP). | Invited | 1 | Scopus |
Sl.No | DAC Members | Designation and Company | Position |
1 | Dr. K.R.Rasane | Professor & Head, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, JCE Belagavi. | Chairman, Academic |
2 | Mr. Prakash Mugali | Founder & CEO- Enerzi Group | Serial Entrepreneur | Startup Coach | Pro-MMA Athlete | TEDx Speaker | Microwave Expert. | Industry Member |
3 | Mrs. Chetana Sarang | Founder & CEO, Dattamsh | AI/ML and Data Science Expert | Corporate Trainer & Motivational Speaker. | Industry Member |
4 | Mr. Hrishikesh Kamat | Managing Partner and CEO, Shalaka Connected Devices LLP (Self Employed), Pune | Industry Member and Alumni |
5 | Adiveppa Havannagol, Father of Amarnath H, 2JI21EC015 | Grade 2 Secretary SDAA in Panchayat | Parent |
6 | Savita Wali Mother of Priyanka Wali 2JI21EC101 | Government Teacher | Parent |
7 | Mr. Amar Patil | VLSI Design Verification Engineer,Techsoc, Bangalore. | Alumni |
8 | Dr. H.P.Rajani | Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, JCE Belagavi. | Internal members |
9 | Dr. Salma Shahpure | ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, JCE Belagavi. | Internal members |
10 | Dr. Rajashekhargouda Patil | Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, JCE Belagavi. | Internal members |
11 | Bhoomika Kadabi | JCE Belagavi | Student |
12 | Prajwal Palled | JCE Belagavi | Student |
Patent List
Status: Published
Patent Number: 202341084224
Filed : 2023-12-11 Published :2024-1-12
Sl No. | Faculty Name |
1 | Dr. Salma S |
2 | Prof. ShahakPatil |
3 | Dr. RajashekhargoudaPatil |
4 | Dr. J Shivakumar |
5 | Dr. Krupa Rasne |
6 | Dr. H P Rajani |
7 | Mr. Mohammed Ibrahim |
9 | Mr. Sachin Bhosale |
10 | Miss. Shreya Alligidad |
11 | Miss. SnehalTetambi |
Status: Published
Patent Number: 202341084040
Filing Date: 2023-12-9 Published Date: 2024-01-05
Sl No. | Faculty Name |
1 | Dr. Salma S |
2 | Prof. ShahakPatil |
3 | Dr. RajashekhargoudaPatil |
4 | Dr. J Shivakumar |
5 | Dr. Krupa Rasne |
6 | Dr. H P Rajani |
7 | Mr. SuchitMalalikar |
9 | Mr. AtrhavaChorlekar |
10 | Mr. SourabhNalkar |
11 | Mr. RohitKatamble |
Status: Published
Patent Number: 202341084038
Filed 2023-11-24
Sl No. | Faculty Name |
1 | Dr. Salma S |
2 | Prof. ShahakPatil |
3 | Dr. RajashekhargoudaPatil |
4 | Dr. J Shivakumar |
5 | Dr. Krupa Rasne |
6 | Prof. V R Bagli |
7 | Mr. Abhishek Kori |
9 | Mr. Ammar Raza |
10 | Mr. Anirudh Desai |
11 | Mr. Pramod Kadam |
Status: Provisional
Patent Number: 202341039153
Filed Date:2023-6-8, Published Date :2023-11-30
Sl No. | Faculty Name |
1 | Dr. Salma S |
2 | Prof. Ashwini Araballi |
3 | Dr. Rajashekhargouda Patil |
4 | Dr. J Shivakumar |
5 | Dr. Krupa Rasne |
6 | Dr. H P Rajani |
7 | Mr. AniketHosamani |
9 | Mr. Aditya Bharamayyanavar |
10 | Miss. ShradhaBorgave |
11 | Miss ShriyaRaikar |
Status: Filed
Patent Number: 202241076222
Filed Date:28/12/22
Sl No. | Faculty Name |
1 | Dr. J Shivakumar |
2 | Dr. Salma S |
3 | Dr.RajashekhargoudaPatil |
4 | Dr. Krupa Rasne |
5 | Dr. H P Rajani |
6 | Dr. Vinod Patil |
7 | Dr.VidyaDandagi |
9 | Prof.V.R.Bagali |
10 | Prof.BasawarajChougula |
Students Achievements
Sl. No. | Name of the Teacher / Principal Investigator | Project Title | Year of Sanction | Funding Agency | Total Amount Sanctioned | Amount utilized during current year |
1 | Prof. V.R. Bagli | Affordable and Portable Oxygen Concentrator | 2022 | KSCST | 8,000 | 8,000 |
2 | Prof. Shivanand Hugar | Smart Crop Drying Unit for Post Harvest Activities | 2022 | KSCST | 8,000 | 8,000 |
3 | Prof. Salma S. Shahapur | Defence Surveillance | 2022 | VTU | – | – |
4 | Prof. Salma S. Shahapur | Electronic Shoe to assist Visually Challenged People | 2022 | VTU | – | – |
Best Projects
Academic Year : 2022-23
Sl No. | Title of project | Student Name | Guide Name |
1 | Wireless power transmission for electrical vehicles and underwater submarine | 1. Vishal Karambalkar 2. Akash Madali 3. Ashita Shetty 4. Spurti Patil | Dr. Salma Shahapur Prof. Kavita Kadali |
2 | Mobility and health monitor assisting bot for disabled | 1. Sneha Gadag 2. Karthik Angadi 3. Shriya Deshpande 4. Anusha Morbad | Prof. Shahak Patil |
3 | Plant and field monitoring automation | 1. Morti Anjali Mahesh 2. Suhana Mehboob Nejakar 3. Tejas Angadi Angadi 4. Vikas Sangannavar | Dr. Krupa Rasne |
Academic Year : 2021-22
Sl No. | Title of project | Student Name | Guide Name |
1 | Affordable and portable oxygen concentrator | 1. Faizan Attar 2. Junaidahmed Bepari 3. Azharuddin Kaladagi 4. Arbazmehdi Karikazi | Prof. Vinay Kumar Bagali |
2 | Smart crop drying unit for post harvest activities | 1. Sanket Chougala 2. Sanjay Ghorpade 3. Shivamallu Ghatnatti 4. Shrishail Karoli | Prof. Shivanand Hugar |
Academic Year : 2020-21
Sl No. | Title of project | Student Name | Guide Name |
1 | IOT based Covid-19 patient monitoring system | 1. Shryas Mane 2. Shinanand Chavan 3. Deepa Muttappagol 4. Rahul Mangi | Prof. Salma Shahapur |
2 | Detection of vehicles and obstacles in low illumination environmental condition | 1. Misba Bijapuri 2. Faeeq Jalali 3. Arati Godase 4. Nishatara Desai | Prof. Mahesh Mahendrakar |
3 | Lip reading by deep learning | 1. Shivanag Hugar 2. Samay Bhat 3. Mudassir Mujawar 4. Rakesh Murari | Prof. Gourang Naik |
4 | IOT based auto temperature and mask scan entry system and sanitization | 1. Dyamodar Nayak 2. Annapoorna Manochari 3. Megha Belgaonkar 4. Prajwal Patil | Prof. Mahesh Mahendrakar |
5 | Adaptive lighting system for automobiles | 1. Rahul Buchadi 2. Abhishek Hiremath 3. Adarshkumar Jonjale 4. Sameena Chappu | Prof. Sushma Kamat |