Date/Place: (06-11-2023) / JCE,MCA Department.
Under the Banner of: JCE- Skill Lab
Objective of the Event: To inaugurate the internship program for the MCA III sem Students.
Outcome of the Program: Students were given practical exposure to various tools and technologies in “Data Analytics” and LaTeX for creating project presentations and project reports .
List of all the Participants:
All the 59 Students of 3rd semester where part of this inauguration. The Principal, Skill Lab In charge Dr. Ratan Patil , Resource persons Prof. Darshan Katgeri, Prof. Vinayak Ratan , Dr. Poorna Chandra S and the Department staff were present on the occasion.
Feedback from the Participants:
• Appreciation from the students and parents for conducting the internship within the college campus.
• Gained good knowledge on the emerging technologies in Data Analytics.
• Gained knowledge on document typesetting using LaTeX for creating presentations and project reports.