- Name of the event : “Live Demonstration of Line following Robot”
- Date/Place: 17th December 2022, Lecture Hall C-112
- Under the Banner of : Students Engagement Cell
- Resource Persons:Prajwal Palled & Abhishek Hadimani of V sem E&C
- Number of Participants: 10
Objectives of the event:
- To undestandprocess of making Line following Robot.
- To interact with gets query answered from resource persons
Program flow
Day | Time | Venue | Topics Covered |
Saturday 17/12/2022 | 12:30pm to 2:00pm | C-112 | Live Demonstration of Line following Robot |
Resource Persons : Prajwal Palled and Abhishek Hadimani ofV sem E&C
Outcomes of the event :
Students will be able to,
- Understand open source Hardware and software.
- Build Robot.
- Write Embedded C program.
- Work with sensor and I/O modules
List of faculty and student co-ordinator
S.No | Name | Designation | Mobile No. |
1 | Prof. V R Bagali | facultyco-ordinator | 9964658965 |
2 | Prof. Shahak Patil | facultyco-ordinator | 9742424252 |
3 | Nilesh Chougule | Student Coordinator | 7259753921 |
4 | Prajwal Palled | Student coordinator | 9513190384 |
5 | Prajwal Jakkannavar | Student coordinator | 8217364971 |
6 | Abhishek Hadimani | Student coordinator | 7057469945 |