Organized by: Department of Civil Engineering
Event Name: “A webinar on “My Story – Motivational Session by Successful Entrepreneur
&Start-up founder”
Mode of Conduction: Online (Google meet)
Date: 25rd February 2022 at 12.30pm
A Webinar was conducted for the faculty,students of various streams of engineering& MBA students on “My Story – Motivational Session by Successful Entrepreneur & Startup founder” to inspire the students and educate them about the importance of Entrepreneurship, the challenges that they will come across and how to overcome andStartups.
Objectives of the Event:
- To encourage the students to think in direction of startups as career opportunities
- To motivate students to be Self-driven
- To inspire students to Pursuetheir ideas.
Resource person:
Mrs. Chetana Sarang
Founder and CEO of Dattamsh EdTech LLP, Edupreneur & Motivational speaker
Event Coordinators: Prof. Varsha Gokak & Prof. Shreetej Gurjar under the Guidance of Dr. Sanjeev Sangami, IIC convenor
Expected Outcomes:
The students will understand the journey of being an entrepreneur or establishing a start up on self. The difficulties & challenges they will encounter during the process and how to handle such types of situations. The students will be inspired to become entrepreneurs in their fields.