Organized by: Department of Mechanical Engineering
Event Name: Tata Technologies MSME Ready Engineer Program
Mode of Conduct: Offline
Date: 15th Dec 2022
It gives us immense pleasure to announce that 04 final year project groups are selected for sponsorship under TATA TECHNOLOGIES MSME-READY ENGINEER program. The program introduced in the institute in association with Belgaum Foundry Cluster Belgaum. The projects groups will address the real time problems in the foundry industries of Belgaum.
Department of Mechanical Engineering has organized an event in the department on 15 December 2022 in which Principal and Director, Dr. J.Shivakumar addressed the students, congratulated students and faculties and handed over sponsorship cheque to respective student groups and Project guides of the selected project groups.
The HOD of the Department Dr. Basavaraj Hubballi congratulated students and faculties for their efforts on this occasion.