Jain College of Engineering Celebrated World Bicycle day on 3rd June 2023 at its campus . They had organized Slow Bicycle race Competition to students , faculty members and all the stake holders .
Principal & Director , Dr. J Shivakumar spoke on the occasion and said that : As your good self might be aware, physical inactivity is one of the major key risk factors for Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) which account for 63% mortality in India. As per National NCD Monitoring Survey, 41.3% Indians are physically inactive.
To address the above issue , the Jain College of Engineering organized a Cycling Event on 3rd June, 2023 (Saturday) on the occasion of World Bicycle Day to create awareness on the importance of physical activities.
Principal said that, Regular physical activity of moderate intensity – such as walking, cycling, or doing sports – has significant benefits for health. At all ages, the benefits of being physically active outweigh potential harm, for example through accidents. Some physical activity is better than none. By becoming more active throughout the day in relatively simple ways, people can quite easily achieve the recommended activity levels. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), safe infrastructure for walking and cycling is also a pathway for achieving greater health equity. For the poorest urban sector, who often cannot afford private vehicles, walking and cycling can provide a form of transport while reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke, certain cancers, diabetes, and even death. Accordingly, improved active transport is not only healthy; it is also equitable and cost-effective.
The event Organizer was Mr. Vipul (Physical Education Director) at JCE and Prof. Raviprakash ( Faculty- MBA Department) .
Mr. Vipul said that , World Bicycle Day draws attention to the benefits of using the bicycle — a simple, affordable, clean and environmentally fit sustainable means of transportation. The bicycle contributes to cleaner air and less congestion and makes education, health care and other social services more accessible to the most vulnerable populations. A sustainable transport system that promotes economic growth, reduces inequalities while bolstering the fight against climate change is critical to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
The Management of Jain College of Engineering , Principal & Director and all the stake holders congratulated the efforts of the organizers.