We all Know that today electrical energy saving is on the headlines. It is responsibility of every citizen to save electrical energy and help country to grow. It is well said that one unit of electrical energy saved is equivalent to two or more units of energy generated. Because of the losses during transmission, saving one unit of energy at the consumer end means you are effectively preventing the need to generate much more than one unit.
A group of team members from Jain College of Engineering Belagavi led by
Prof G P Kadam, Mr.Shivanand Pattar and Basavaraj Ganagi have designed and developed “Smart Sky lamp for Smart City Belagavi”, which was sucessusfully demonstrated to the Principal Dr. J. Shivakumar, Deans, HOD ECE Prof. V.R.Bagali, staff members and students of the department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, JCE Belagavi.
It is well known fact that during festivals like Deepavali, many houses, buildings, offices, banks, big apartments and even hotels & restaurants are decorated with beautiful colorful sky lamp and lighting system. The sky lamp and lighting many times is kept on overnight, and sometimes during day also which adds up to loss & waste of energy. Lakhs of buildings are illuminated & sky lamps are turned on during such festivals and if you see the statistics in Belagavi city alone, out of ten lakhs population if say only 1/4th of the population 2.5 to 3 lakhs houses are decorated with lightning and sky lamp. Then overnight if the lamps are kept on the amount of energy wasted is roughly 3 lakhs x 1 unit (Tentative) = 3lakh units in one city. Such thousands of cities in India if considered and waste of energy computed, it gives a considerably big amount of loss. So to overcome such situations & save energy we at the department of E & C Engineering, JCE Belagavi, have developed an energy saving gadget, called “Smart light sensing, Timer controlled, energy saving sky lamp “which can prevent wastage of electrical energy.
The unit turns the lighting and sky lamp on at a predefined time decided by the user. The user turns on the unit & the lighting and sky lamp turns on, for 5 hours and then switches it off automatically. The Delay in switching the load can be varied using a knob called preset. Maximum delay set is 5 Hrs thinking that the load is turned on at 6pm & should be turned off at 11pm. Moreover during early morning say at 5am we may switch – on the load (Sky lamp & light) and forget to switch it off during day time, which represents waste of energy. The unit we developed at JCE will switch – off the entire desired load during the day time and thus prevents unnecessary usage of energy helping to save electrical energy consumption.
It is a low cost unit costing approximately 350rs to 400rs, which a common man too can afford to buy. The unit if used by every house indeed willsave a huge amount of energy not only during festivals, but during other occasions also.
This project has a social relevance as it helps in electrical energy saving and reduced electrical bill costs, helping a common man to save money. It also helps in reducing global warming and reduces mishaps occurring due to overnight burning of electrical lamps causing shocking hazards.
It is a low cost unit tentatively priced at 350rs to 400rs. If mass produced and miniaturized in integrated circuit from the cost indeed will be reduced further and it can be made affordable to everyone. The unit needs 9V/1Amp DC adaptor for powering it on. The unit can be ordered contacting
Prof V. RBagali Ph no: 9964658965
Prof G. P Kadam Ph no: 9353068074 Mr. Shivanand Pattar Ph no: 9421278091