Organized by: Department of Chemistry
Venue:Closed Auditorium
Date: 28thFebruary 2022
One day program on National Science Day – 2022is being organized by Department of Chemistry in association with JCE’s Institution’s Innovation Council.
Objectives of the Event:
- To Create Awareness aboutNational Science Day which is celebrated annually on February 28
- To inspire students to take upprojects in chemistry
Resource persons: Prof. Pranav K. Pitre
Coordinators: Dr.Veerendra Kumar A. K. and Dr. Sanjeev Sangami
Expected Outcomes:
- Creates Awareness of National Science Day which is celebrated annually on February 28.
- Inspires students to achieve great heights with available resources.
Department feels proud to organize such kind of successful events and would like to convey thanks to Principal and Management for their advice and cooperation extended to us.