Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Jain College of Engineering, Belagavi organized a Expert Technical Talk on “Distribution Automation and SCADA” under the aegis of department students association TESLA & The Institute of Engineers (India) on October 01, 2018, Dr. Girish Athreyas Executive Engineer, ALDC HESCOM Corporate office HESCOM Hubali was the speaker.
Dr. G. H. Kulkarni Head of Department (EEE) welcomed the gathering, he suggested to take maximum benefit of this event.
Prof. Vinod S. Patil staff coordinator of student association IE(I) introduced the speaker and gave a glimpse of electrical distribution system in India.
Speaker of the program, Dr. Girish Athreyas, appreciated the students for their active participation, he elaborated use of SCADA, Energy management system(EMS) ,Data management system(DMS) and Power line carrier communication(PLCC) in Distributed Automation with real time examples then he motivated students to come up with good project on distribution automation.