Organized By: Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering.
Event Name: Industrial visit to “220 KV Switching Station,KanabargiBelagavi” on 19-06-2024
The Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Jain College of Engineering, Belagavi, organized an Industrial Visit for 6th semester students to 220 KV Switching Station,Kanabargi Belagavi.
Mr. Ramesh Sutar,Assistant Engineer, KPTCL, Belagavi, explained students about the brief history of electric power generation and then the technical aspects of bus bars, relays, transmission lines, single line diagram of the plant, feeders and control panels.In the further part of the visit, students were taken to the actual field, observed various protective devices like Circuit breakers,CTs,PTs ,Isolators,LightningArresters,Earthing and Importance of them in power system and a demonstration was given on the operation of Bus Coupler.
After the field visit, the students were made aware of the importance of safety precautions regarding electricity. Students were accompanied by Dr. Nimish Bhatt Asst. Prof, EEE Department and Prof. Laxmi Brungi, Asst. Prof, EEE Department.
Sincere thanks to Principal and Director,Dr.J.Shivakumar and Head of Department EEE,Dr.Venkatratnam Chitturi for theirkind support. Thanks to Prof.LaxmiBrungiand Prof. Priyanka K Industrial Visit Coordinator for the initial formalities of the visit.