Organized by: Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Jain College of Engineering (JCE), Belagavi, in association with IEEE student branch, WiE
Event Name: “Workshop on Machine Learning & Deep Learning-2022”.
Mode of Conduct: Offline
Date: 17TH to 18TH June 2022, From: 8:00 am to 05:30 pm
Number of participants attended: 35
Objectives of the Event:
1. To enrich students with the importance of the fastest growing technologies like Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning, their algorithms, libraries and also get used to the implementation of the libraries using Raspberry Pi kit.
Resource persons:
Mr. Prashant Dhope,
Assistant Professor, VTU, Belagavi.
Expected Outcomes:
1. Students understood the importance of the fastest growing technologies like Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning, their algorithms, libraries.