Name of the Event: “Industrial Visit”
Date/Place: (07 – 08 – 2023 to 11 – 08 – 2023) / Carve-Wing Software Solutions llp.
Under the Banner of: ASP (Association of Software Professionals)
Objective of the Event: To provide an insight of the real time experience of how an IT industry works.
Program Flow: Every day one faculty was in charge of taking 15 students to the industrial visit. Students got to interact with the IT professionals and learn about all options that are there apart from developing and testing jobs.
Outcome of the Program: Students gained some experience on what they will be focusing on and how they can achieve their goals.
List of all the Participants:
All the 59 Students of 2nd semester where part of this visit, they were divided into a group of 15 members and visited the location every-day until all students had the visit.
Feedback from the Participants:
•Got to interact with IT professionals.
•Got some insight idea of how an IT industry works.
• Got to clear their doubts.